The rising importance of accurate translations

In a globalised world, where people travel across the world, deal with various cultures and encounter different languages, translation plays a key role in getting the message across. Trade and commerce has brought different countries together necessitating efficient and seamless communication. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the world is fast becoming a global village where businesses, governments and individuals communicate with people from diverse lingual backgrounds.

Even within individual countries, there are different languages which are spoken by different groups of people. Did you know that even in the United States, 12% people of the total population speaks only Spanish? For an outsider who knows little about the demographic fabric of the United States, this fact could be unbelievable, but it is true. The diversity of the languages among the populace of the countries in Asia, Africa and Europe is much higher.

People in countries from these continents not only speak different languages but also speak in different local dialects affected by the local sensibilities, culture and impact of other native languages. An efficient translation is able to counter all these challenges and communicate with the intended audience in an effective way. The objective of accurate and efficient translation is to transmit the message to the receiver without diluting its meaning. Hence, the message should be received and understood by the recipient in the same manner as was intended by the original sender of the message.

There have been instances when, due to bad translation incorrect or even outright weird messages have been communicated. When Electrolux translated its vacuum cleaner advertisement from Scandinavian to English, the absurd translation resulted in a tagline that read, “Nothing Sucks like Electrolux”. There are several such instances where the translators have failed to gauge the local ethos of cultural distinctiveness while translating, resulting in incoherent and inefficient communication.

It is important to note that literal translation is highly inaccurate and the key to efficient translation is to understand the language and cultural characteristics of the language in which the message is being translated. If you have faced similar situations or want to avoid such instances, always ensure that you only use native translators for accurate and professional translations. Such translators are adept and competent in more than one language, including their native language. Therefore, whenever they translate content to their native language, their natural flair and knowledge of the language help them deliver high quality translated content that is accurate and relevant and is able to communicate efficiently with the intended audience.

To achieve these objectives for your business, always consider hiring a professional translation agency that delivers superior value at a reasonable price.


When it comes to French to English or English to French translations, the professionalism and cost efficiency of the translation service providers of Mauritius is unarguably the best. These services offer a great value-for-money proposition and have native bilingual proficiency in English and French.

As the co-founder of QuickPro Translations, a premier Translation Company in Mauritius, I help numerous companies around the world unleash their potential.

I am a sun loving, island styling and coffee drinking geek.

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